We were just watching TV is all

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While watching TV on my couch, I look down at the six year old who has firmly planted his head in my side while playing the DSi. How he was able to maneuver his body so that he was able to lie down between me and his brother is beyond me, but he did it. He's such a sweet boy. When you look into his eyes, you see a boy who loves life to the fullest. In one minute, he's trying to figure out how to play checkers, and in the very next minute he's trying to fly because he's wearing a cape, and all superheroes with capes can fly, right? He amazes me with the wisdom that oozes from his six year old brain and his laugh is so very infectious. He cannot sit still right now, and I smile because I am reminded of something my great-grandmother would have said. "He's wallerin' me to death."

I look over at his brother. His eyes are glued to the TV. He's sitting on the edge of his seat as we watch Ghost Hunters together. His eleven year old eyes can be so serious at times. He reminds me a lot of myself at that age. He's sensitive and when you first meet him, you'd think he's a quiet child. When you get to know him, is when you see his full personality. He's an actor, a cartoonist, a movie maker...an artist in the true sense of the word. His talent puts mine to shame, and I'm so very proud of what he's accomplished already. I love teaching him what I know and seeing him take what I've shown him and develop his skills. I have no doubt that one day, he will be teaching me things. His smile warms my heart.

They are both so different, yet I love them both so much.

I smile again. In these past eight months, this has to be one of my favorite moments. I've lived in my house for seven years, but now, I am truly home.

I look over at her, our eyes meet, and we communicate without words. She whispers, "I love you so much." She tells me how warm her heart feels right now in this moment, and I know that she is feeling the exact same thing that I am.

As I turn my attention back to the TV, my heart says, "Welcome home."

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Erin said...

Those simple moments are what makes a family.

CJ said...

Perfection! Pure prefection!

amommyfromthe1900s said...

You make my heart smile... <3

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...snarky comment or sweet comment? Hmmmm...

This makes me happy.

Mommy Mo said...

Happy here, too. I feel like saying, *awwwww*.

jen said...

This is such a beautiful post, April!
I am now a blubbery, teary mess!!

the love that jumps off this page....WOW!


Trish said...

Love this! I want to come visit!

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