Walking With Dinosaurs

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Do you remember the first time you ever watched Jurassic Park? The very moment when they first get to the island and Grant see his very first real, live dinosaur?

The magic of Hollywood captured the hearts of many, many people who have always wondered what life might be like with dinosaurs.

Today, my mom went with to the show called Walking with Dinosaurs. This brilliant show aims to give you in person what we all experienced while watching Jurassic Park on the screen.

Being told that I could only have a point and shoot and not being allowed to take my Nikon, I was armed with my mom's ancient Cybershot. This camera was one of the very first Cybershots released and is probably three times the size that point and shoots are now. But I don't care because it still takes okay pictures and I'm going to SEE REAL LIVE DINOSAURS. (Yes, I am that big of a nerd.)

The show starts, and my mom's camera craps out. (Thanks Sony.) Luckily, I did have my blackberry on my so I was able to capture some not-so-great pictures. And the kicker? I saw tons of Nikons. They weren't checking bags. Damn.

Still, the show that is Walking with Dinosaurs is AMAZING. If you've ever wondered what it would be like to be in the presence of one of these creatures, this show is a must. The absolute best part for me wasn't the dinsosaurs themselves. Nope. It was the little girl next to us. When the first dinosaur came out, she whispered not so quietly but with such awe to her father, "Daddy, is it real?"

I've enclosed some of the better pics I took today. Even though they're not great, you can see what an amazing experience this really was. Especially for a nerd like me. :o)

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audrey said...

OH. MY. GOD. THESE ARE AWESOME. Yes I meant to yell that. ;)

I'm sitting here with Kyle (he's 5) and he's like oh wow. Mom, that's cool. Are they REAL? Wait stop typing can I see 'em again?

Very cool.

CraftGirlAlli said...

How neat! We had thought about doing this, but our little one is still too little. Looks life fun though, maybe we should have went without him! lol

Laura Marchant said...

I have always wondered what that show was. Awesome!

Kirsten said...

That looks pretty damn awesome! Glad you got to go.

Bacardi Mama said...

You are not a nerd. That looks so awesome. Is it a traveling show type of thing? I'd love to go if it is.

Brooke said...

i love me some dinosaurs!!!

i'm totally gonna make jay take me. maybe as an early valentine's gift?

Christie O. said...

wow, that totally looks superfun. i was throwing the idea around of taking my kids and i TOTALLY SHOULDVE! THEY'D HAVE LOVED IT!! wah. looks like so much fun!

Heather D said...

So cool! Very jealous!

*Lissa* said...

FUN!! I *love* dinosaurs. For realz, yo.

Jurassic Park is one of my all-time fave books. I guess that kind of makes me a nerd.

Mendie said...

How cool! I won a contest in 5th grade to go to Pittsburgh and visit Carnegie Museum for a dinosaur project. Only one in my class chosen-woohoo! SO yeah, sign me up for the Dinosaur nerd club too!

Great shots, even for a crackberry!

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