You Capture: The Feeling of Fall

In my front yard I have a huge oak tree. It's probably one of my favorite things about my house. I love when the leaves start to turn. That's really when I get my first feeling of fall.

I was so excited this week to see the first few yellow leaves. I know that in just a few weeks the whole tree will be full of bright fall colors. I love to sit on my front porch and watch the squirrel who lives in my tree hide nuts, then find nuts, and jump in the leaves. (He doesn't run. We're tight like that.)

But today as I was driving up my street, I saw that half of my tree was just gone. There are power lines that run through my tree, so I knew the electric company would trim it soon, but those bastards chopped half of my tree away. Including the my squirrel's nest. And now it looks like it may die. I took this picture with my phone. ( I'm going to take better ones tomorrow. I may be writing a very unhappy email to my electric company tomorrow.)

You see where you see sky? You're not suppose to. Now, instead of sitting and looking at my big beautiful tree full of colors and my squirrel hiding and finding nuts, I get to see sky and power lines. *sniff*

Want to see more You Captures? Head on over to I Should Be Folding Laundry!

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Wanda said...

Oh, I'm sorry about your tree. We share the same bane. Mine are my neighbours and their insistence on removing anything to do with nature and beauty ("move to a condo").

I hope your squirrel builds another nest and continues to give you pleasure. I love my squirrels too!

Bacardi Mama said...

Damn power company. Your tree is beautiful. Sure hope your friend comes back.

Stefany said...

That is so sad... and the poor little squirrel. :(

Stefany said...

BTW, following you now... anyone that would own a giraffe is cool in my book. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh no! You would think a power company would be more careful. I hope your tree makes it and the squirrel finds/makes a new home soon =(

Anonymous said...

Talk about ruining fall. I hope the squirrel can make a new nest and recover for winter. It looked like a beautiful tree before.

jaime said...

I love the oak trees in our yard, and I can feel your pain of the power company chopping away at your tree without care. I hope the squirrel can make a new nest.

CraftGirlAlli said...

Great shots! I love when the leaves start changing. And I don't blame you, I'd write a letter too!

Chocolate Girl said...

Oh, those trees are fantastic....

Yelena R. said...

Aww Im sorry about your tree :( It was beautiful!

Susan Berlien said...

Looks like my yard. Fall for sure

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

How sad. I have a maple tree in my backyard and LOVE to watch the squirrels.

Brooke said...

that sucks majorly! i'm very jealous of your tree though!!

Mendie said...

that sucks.

RIP still bring April joy...just not as much as before.

The Animator's Wife said...

sad, sad story but at least you have pictures to remember it by! :)

Tina said...

I hate when trees get hacked like that by the electrical company. So sorry.

Lorena said...

Turning of leaves, I love them! =)

Mommy Mo said...

WAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Damn electric company and poor tree....really, poor squirrel.

Christie O. said...

sucky power people!!! oh that makes me soooo mad!!!!!

i hope squirrel's ok. give them hell!

love the before pictures of the tree, poor thing.

Saj said...

So sad about your tree! I hope you still get some lovely colors as the days get cooler!

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